Lithium metal solid state batteries
Uncovering degradation mechanisms

Puls, S., Nazmutdinova, E., Kalyk, F., Woolley, H.M., Thomsen, J.F., Cheng, Z., Fauchier-Magnan, A., Gautam, A., Gockeln, M., Ham, S.Y. and Hasan, M.T., 2024. Benchmarking the reproducibility of all-solid-state battery cell performance. Nature Energy, 9(10), pp.1310-1320.
Ventura-Martinez, Kimberly, Yaguang Zhu, Austin Booth, and Kelsey B. Hatzell. "Impact of Asymmetric Microstructure on Ion Transport in Ti3C2T x Membranes." Nano Letters 24, no. 43 (2024): 13551-13557.
Hatzell, Kelsey, Wesley Chang, Wurigumula Bao, Mei Cai, Tobias Glossmann, Sergiy Kalnaus, Boryann Liaw, Ying Shirley Meng, Rana Mohtadi, and Yujun Wang. "Aligning lithium metal battery research and development across academia and industry." Joule 8, no. 6 (2024): 1550-1555.
Lin, Lin, and Kelsey B. Hatzell. "Polymorphism control of fast-sintered NASICON-type LiZr 2 (PO 4) 3." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 12.43 (2024): 29932-29940.
Park, S.H., Yescas, C.J., Naik, K., Wang, Y., Luo, Y., Puthusseri, D., Kwon, P., Vishnugopi, B.S., Shyam, B., Yang, H. Cook, J., P.P. Mukherjee, B. Zahiri,, P.V. Braun, K.B.Hatzell. 2024. Solid-state cathode heterogeneity impact on utilization and fracture dynamics. (under review, chemarxiv)
M.G. Jeong, K. G. Naik, Y. Zheng, W.J. Suk, B. S. Vishnugopi, L. Lin, D. Puthusseri, A.C. Chuang, J.S. Okasinski, J. Sakamoto, P.P. Mukherjee, and K.B. Hatzell. Operando Investigation on the Role of Densification and Chemo‐Mechanics on Solid‐State Cathodes. Advanced Energy Materials (2024): 2304544.
X. Chen, and K. B. Hatzell. Silicon Composite Anode Degradation during Freeze–Thaw Temperature-Swings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2024).
L. Lin, A. Ayyaswamy, Y. Zheng, A. Fan, B. S. Vishnugopi, P. P. Mukherjee, and K. B. Hatzell. Nonintuitive Role of Solid Electrolyte Porosity on Failure. ACS Energy Letters 9 (2024): 2387-2393.
M.G. Jeong, S. Banerjee, B. S. Vishnugopi, P.P. Mukherjee and K.B. Hatzell. Temperature Impact on Lithium Metal Morphology in Lithium Reservoir-Free Solid-State Batteries. PRX Energy 3, no. 2 (2024): 023003.
Y. Zhu, A. Booth, and K. B. Hatzell. Confinement Effects on Moisture-Swing Direct Air Capture. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 11, no. 2 (2024): 89-94.
Hatzell, Kelsey B. "Anode-Less or Anode-Free?." ACS Energy Letters 8.11 (2023): 4775-4776.
Y. Zheng, R. Carceras, M.C. Hatzell and K.B. Hatzell. Challenges and Roadmap toward Decarbonization of Solar-Thermal Desalination. 2023 (ACS Environmental Science and Technology Engineering)
W. Zaman, L. Zhao, Q. J. Wang, S. Harris, and K.B. Hatzell. Pressure and temperature effects in high capacity lithium metal stripping. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 31, 37401–37409.
K.B. Hatzell, and Y. Zheng, Ultra-sparse View X-ray Computed Tomography for 4-D Imaging. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 29, 35024–35033
K. B. Hatzell . Lithium filaments wedge open cracks in solid-state batteries. Nature (2023): 247-248.
M. Dixit, B.S Vishnugopi, W. Zaman, P. Kenesei, J.S. Park, J. Almer, P. Mukherjee, K.B. Hatzell, l Polymorphism of Garnet Solid Electrolytes and Its Implications on Grain Level Chemo-Mechanics, Nature Materials, (2022), 21, 1298–1305.
L. Zhao, Q. Jane Wang, K.B. Hatzell, W. Zaman, T.V. Martin, and Z. Wang. Laplace-Fourier transform solution to the electrochemical kinetics of a symmetric lithium cell affected by interface conformity, Journal of Power Sources, (2022), 531, 231305.
W. Zaman, and K.B. Hatzell. Processing and manufacturing of next generation lithium-based all solid-state batteries, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, (2022), 26(4), 101003.
B.S Vishnugopi, M.B. Dixit, F. Hao, B. Shyam, J. B. Cook, and K.B. Hatzell, and P.P Mukherjee. Mesoscale Interrogation Reveals Mechanistic Origins of Lithium Filaments along Grain Boundaries in Inorganic Solid Electrolytes, Advanced Energy Materials, (2022), 12(3), 2102825.
Y. Ren, N. Hortance, and K.B. Hatzell. Mitigating chemo-mechanical failure in Li-S solid state batteries with compliant cathodes. Journal of Electrochemical Society (2022) 169 060503.
J. Popovic, D. Brandell, S. Ohno, K.B. Hatzell, J. Zheng, and Y.Y. Hu. Polymer-based hybrid battery electrolytes: theoretical insights, recent advances and challenges, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2021), 9 (10), 6050-6069.
M.B. Dixit, J.S. Park, P. Kenesei, J. Almer, and K.B. Hatzell. Status and prospect of in situ and operando characterization of solid-state batteries. Energy & Environmental Science. (2021), 14(9), 4672-4711.
W. Zaman, R. Matsumoto, M.W. Thompson, Y.H. Liu, Y. Bootwala, M.B. Dixit, S. Nemask, E. Crumlin, M.C. Hatzell, P. Cummings, K.B. Hatzell. In situ investigation of water on MXene Interfaces, Proceeding in the National Academy of Sciences, (2021), 118 (49) e2108325118
Y. Ren, and K.B. Hatzell. Elasticity-oriented design of solid-state batteries: challenges and perspectives, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2021), 9, 13804-13821
Y. Zheng, R. C. Gonzalez, K.B. Hatzell, and M.C. Hatzell. Large scale solar-thermal desalination. (2021), Joule, 8, 1971-1986
K.B. Hatzell, and Y. Zheng. Prospects on large-scale manufacturing of solid state batteries. (2021), MRS Energy and Sustainability, 8, 33–39
Y. Ren, N. Hortance, J. McBride and K.B. Hatzell. Sodium–Sulfur Batteries Enabled by a Protected Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Solid Electrolyte. (2020), ACS Energy Letters, 6, 345-353.
Y. Zheng, R. C. Gonzalez, M.C. Hatzell and K.B. Hatzell. Concentrating solar thermal desalination: performance limitation analysis and possible pathways for improvement, Applied Thermal Engineering, (2021), 184, 5, 116292.
Uncovering degradation mechanisms
Chemical microenvironments at solid-liquid interfaces for advanced separations
Improving temporal resolution of x-ray imaging