Austin Fan selected to Attend the Joint Undertaking for an Africa Materials Institute in Nairobi, Kenya


Austin attends NSF sponsored Workshop in Nairobi Kenya


The Joint-Undertaking for an African Materials Institute is a NSF sponsored workshop which brings together students from east Africa and the United States to learn about energy materials. The two week workshop includes research presentations from world experts, fundamental tutorials related to a range of energy materials (e.g. solar, batteries, fuel cells, etc.), and cultural experiences.

details go here

Austin and Kelsey traveled to Nairobi and led a tutorial and activity on energy related to separations. The tutorial went of fundamentals related to membrane separations as it related to batteries, desalination, and energy conversion devices. In addition, Austin led a hands on tutorial for 70 students. Congrats to Austin on graduating from JUAMI and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro!

Kika Tuff